Sunday, March 1, 2009

Shoes, Boots, Socks and Other Footwear

Provident Principles and Practices
© David Edwards, 2009
PRINCIPLES: Over the years, the Lord has counseled us to store a year’s supply of clothing (see, for example, J. Reuben Clark, General Conference, April 1937; John. H. Vandenberg, General Conference, October 1966). Clothing includes footwear, such as shoes, boots, and socks. We can store footwear in our homes and our disaster supply kits. Extra sets of footwear, and warmer or sturdier footwear, may be needed in wars, depressions, earthquakes, floods and tornadoes. Such events have been given as examples for us to think of when anticipating possible future needs and preparing to safeguard our families (First Presidency Message, 6 October 1973).

Those of us with limited income may wish to put our money into food and clothing (J. Reuben Clark, Jr., General Conference, April 1937). Consider buying and storing shoes, boots and socks for working outdoors and for staying warm (see Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, October 1973).

Supplies for creating our own clothing or shoes, such as leather, might be considered for home storage (Ezra Taft Benson, General Conference, October 1973). As President Wilford Woodruff said, a time will come when making our own shoes will be necessary (Discourses, p. 166-67). The value of making or producing items that become part of our year’s supply of clothing is echoed by more recent general authorities as well (see L. Tom Perry, General Conference, October 1980).

PRACTICES: Consider storing not only at home but also in disaster supply kits extra sets of durable, well-fitting socks, shoes and boots for each member of your family. You may need extra footwear to help protect your feet and body against nature, especially if you must travel. You may need to do so during an evacuation or a trip involving the rescue or aid of family members or others.

For summer wear, you may wish to store well-ventilated socks and shoes or boots.

Cold weather, even in Arizona, may present risks during a winter emergency, especially in the mountains. Hypothermia can kill. Frostbite can damage feet and make survival difficult. Having warm footwear is essential. Consider winter boots rated below the coldest temperatures expected. Ratings are good only for those who are active or moving.


Wool socks can help provide needed warmth. Merino wool tends to be least scratchy. Avoid cotton, which holds moisture. Silk or synthetic liner socks wick moisture away from feet. Use of liner socks can help prevent blisters.

Moisture is the enemy of warmth and comfort. Avoid getting footwear wet if possible. If footwear does get wet or sweaty, swap it out for socks and shoes or boots that are dry. Dry out wet footwear in the sunlight or in front of a fire – gently. This may take several hours or more. Do not dry shoes or boots too quickly. In cold weather, never wear socks worn that day to bed; instead, wear fresh, dry socks to bed.

Thick moleskin, available in drugstores, can protect feet against blistering or enable one to endure walking on feet with blisters. Cut out a hole in the moleskin slightly larger than the blister, and stick the moleskin on the foot around the blister so that the moleskin and shoe or boot do not rub on it.

More on blister care at

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Other photos: D. and S. Edwards

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